Redeclared IEnumVariant interface definition; used to fetch collection items to support VBScript's "FOR EACH" statement.
IEnumVariant = interface(IUnknown)
Custom declaration with substituted wrong parameter "pceltFetched: LongWord" from %Delphi%\Source\Rtl\Win\ActiveX.pas with correct "pceltFetched: PLongWord" in method "
This interface is implemented and used internally, you don't need to obviously implement or use it in your source code.
Clones enumerator and returns its clone's interface.
This method is implemented and used internally, you don't need to obviously implement or use it in your source code.
function Next(celt: LongWord; var rgvar: OleVariant; pceltFetched: PLongWord): HResult; stdcall;
Return Value
S_OK if asked quantity of elements is fetched successfully and S_FALSE if not
Fills asked quantity ("celt" parameter) of collection items ("rgvar" - address of first element of array) and returns the real quantity of fetched elements in variable specified by "pceltFetched" paraneter
This method is implemented and used internally, you don't need to obviously implement or use it in your source code.
Resets enumerator and prepares it to start new enumeration.
function Reset: HResult; stdcall;
This method is implemented and used internally, you don't need to obviously implement or use it in your source code.
Skips asked quantity of elements ("celt" parameter).
function Skip(celt: LongWord): HResult; stdcall;
Return Value
S_OK if still there are elements for fetching.
This method is implemented and used internally, you don't need to obviously implement or use it in your source code.