Ekas Software Windows Script Host Control for Delphi Help
Hierarchy, Members, Properties, Methods, Events, Unit: ekWSHmain
ekWSHControl component class.
TekWSHControl = class(TWSHScriptControl)
Allows to share application objects with Windows Scripting Host without implementing OLE server. Adds IDispatch realization to VCL objects so any descendant of TPersistent can be used within Windows Scripting Host engine. See Overview section of this help to get more common information about ekWSHControl.

TekWSHControl, See Also
property OnError;
Occurs when error is occured during script execution. To obtaing error information, you have to analize TekWSHControl.ScriptError property in handler for this event

TekWSHControl, See Also
Occurs if timeout is exeeded but script execution is not still finished.
property OnTimeout;

Specifies access rights of script.
property SafeSubset: WordBool;
When set to True, prevents access to selected objects and procedures that can compromise an application’s security.
For additional info see IScriptControl.UseSafeSubset info in related MSDN topics.

Specifies user interface elements accessibility within script.
property ScriptAllowUI: WordBool;
When set to True, means that the script program can display user interface (UI) elements such as a MsgBox.
For additional info see IScriptControl.AllowUI info in related MSDN topics.

Returns an Error object containing detailed information about the last error that occurred.
property ScriptError: IScriptError;
For additional information see IScriptError interface description in related MSDN topics.

Specifies script language which interpreter will be used by script engine.
property ScriptLng: TekWSHLanguages;
Only VBScript and JScript ship with MS Windows by default, other scripting languages engines must be installed additionally.
For additional info see IScriptControl.Language info in related MSDN topics.

Specifies the maximum number of milliseconds the script will run before an error will be generated.
property ScriptTimeout: integer;
If script does not finishes within this time interval, error has been generated.

Set ScriptTimeout to -1 to let the script run unlimited time without error generating.

For additional info see IScriptControl.TimeOut info in related MSDN topics.

Contains a reference to a hWnd that will be used to display GUIs.
property SitehWnd;
For additional info see IScriptControl.SitehWnd info in related MSDN topics.

Describes how events of objects added with the AddObject method will be handled.
property State;
For additional info see IScriptControl.State info in related MSDN topics.

Shows "About" dialog box.
class procedure _About;

Adds code to script control.
procedure AddCode(const Code: WideString); override;
Call this method to add new code to script control.
Script runs immediatelly after adding if there is any statements in code outside (before) procedures declarations. Procedures declared in added code can be called from such statements or directly from application using TekWSHControl.RunProc function

Creates an instance of TekWSHControl.
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
Call Create to construct and initialize an instance of TekWSHControl. When overriding Create, always call the inherited Create method first, then proceed with the control's initialization. Remember to specify the override directive when overriding the Create method.
If constructor allocates resources or memory, also override the destructor to free those resources.

Destroys an instance of TekWSHControl.
destructor Destroy; override;
Do not call Destroy directly in an application. Instead, call Free. When declaring a Destroy method in a descendant control type, always add the override directive to the declaration and call the inherited Destroy as the last statement in the redeclared method.
Override Destroy to free any memory or resources allocated in the Create method.

Evaluates an expression.
function Eval(const Expression: WideString): OleVariant; override;
Return Value
Expression result
Call this method to evaluate expression written in script language (defined by TekWSHControl.ScriptLng property).

Executes a single statement.
procedure ExecuteStatement(const Statement: WideString); override;
Call this method to execute a single statement written in script language (defined by TekWSHControl.ScriptLng property).
You can operate with any members which are added to script or defined in script code.

Returns interface which represents given object and can be used in script
function GetOleObject(AObject: TPersistent): OleVariant;
Useful when passing object parameters to script procedures/functions

function GetProxy(AOwner: TPersistent): IDispatch;
Creates representation object (with IDispatch realized) for VCL object passed as AOwner and adds it to internal proxy list. Returned interface can be used within script environment.
This method is implemented and used internally, you don't need to obviously implement or use it in your source code. But you may need to call it obviously in case of writing your custom descendant from its methods.

procedure OnActivateHandler(Sender: TObject);
Routes OnActivate event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnActivate". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously

(i.e. "Form1.OnActivate:= ekWSHControl1.OnActivateHandler": Form1.OnActivate handling will be routed to "Form1_OnActivate()" if such procedure exists in the script)

This router works only for TNotifyEvent or similar events

If you will assign OnActivateHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnCanResizeHandler(Sender: TObject; var NewWidth: integer; var NewHeight: integer; var Resize: Boolean);
Routes <Controls unit>OnCanResize event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnCanResize". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously.

(i.e. "Panel1.OnCanResize:= ekWSHControl1.OnCanResizeHandler": Panel1.OnCanResize handling will be routed to "Panel1_OnCanResize()" if such procedure exists in the script)

NewWidth, NewHeight and Resize parameters of TCanResizeEvent are incapsulated in TCanResizeEventArgs class. OnCanResizeHandler procedure creates TCanResizeEventArgs instance, fills it with passed values and passes it as second parameter (the first is Sender) to script procedure, so parameters can be accesses within script handler as properties of this object, i.e. "Param2.NewWidth" or "Param2.Resize"

This router works only for Controls.TCanResizeEvent or similar events which require similar parameters

If you will assign OnCanResizeHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnChangeHandler(Sender: TObject);
Routes OnChange event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnChange". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously

(i.e. "Edit1.OnChange:= ekWSHControl1.OnChangeHandler": MyCanvas.OnChanging handling will be routed to "Edit1_OnChange()" if such procedure exists in the script)

This router works only for TNotifyEvent or similar events

If you will assign OnChangeHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception mayl be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnChangingHandler(Sender: TObject);
Routes OnChanging event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnChanging". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously

(i.e. "MyCanvas.OnChanging:= ekWSHControl1.OnChangingHandler": MyCanvas.OnChanging handling will be routed to "MyCanvas_OnChanging()" if such procedure exists in the script)

This router works only for TNotifyEvent or similar events

If you will assign OnChangingHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnClickHandler(Sender: TObject);
Routes OnClick event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnClick". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously

(i.e. "Panel1.OnClick:= ekWSHControl1.OnClickHandler": Panel1.OnClick handling will be routed to "Panel1_OnClick()" if such procedure exists in the script)

This router works only for TNotifyEvent or similar events

If you will assign OnClickHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnCloseHandler(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
Routes <Forms unit>OnClose event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnClose". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously.

(i.e. "Form1.OnClose:= ekWSHControl1.OnCloseHandler": Form1.OnClose handling will be routed to "Form1_OnClose()" if such procedure exists in the script)

Action parameter of Forms.TCloseEvent is incapsulated in TCloseEventArgs class. OnCloseHandler procedure creates TCloseEventArgs instance, fills it with passed value and passes it as second parameter (the first is Sender) to script procedure, so parameters can be accesses within script handler as properties of this object, i.e. "Param2.Action".

Sets and enumerated types (such as TShiftState, TCloseAction or similar) are represented as string with value name(s), separated by comma (for sets). I.e. if you will close form without changing Action value, Form1_OnClose_Args.Action will be represented in script as string "caHide" (default value for Action)

This router works only for TCloseEvent or similar events wich require similar parameters

If you will assign OnCloseHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnCloseQueryHandler(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
Routes <Forms unit>OnCloseQuery event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnCloseQuery". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously.

(i.e. "Form1.OnCloseQuery:= ekWSHControl1.OnCloseQueryHandler": Form1.OnCloseQuery handling will be routed to "Form1_OnCloseQuery()" if such procedure exists in the script)

CanClose parameter of TCloseQueryEvent is incapsulated in TCloseQueryEventArgs class. OnCloseQueryHandler procedure creates TCloseQueryEventArgs instance, fills it with passed value and passes it as second parameter (the first is Sender) to script procedure, so parameters can be accesses within script handler as properties of this object, i.e. "Params.CanClose".

This router works only for Forms.TCloseQueryEvent or similar events which require similar parameters

If you will assign OnCloseQueryHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnConstrainedResizeHandler(Sender: TObject; var MinWidth: integer; var MinHeight: integer; var MaxWidth: integer; var MaxHeight: integer);
Routes OnConstrainedResize event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnConstrainedResize". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously.

(i.e. "Panel1.OnConstrainedResize:= ekWSHControl1.OnConstrainedResizeHandler": Panel1.OnConstrainedResize handling will be routed to "Panel1_OnConstrainedResize()" if such procedure exists in the script)

MinWidth, MinHeight, MaxWidth and MaxHeight parameters of TConstrainedResizeEvent are incapsulated in TConstrainedResizeEventArgs class. OnConstrainedResizeHandler procedure creates TConstrainedResizeEventArgs instance, fills it with passed values and passes it as second parameter (the first is Sender) to script procedure, so parameters can be accesses within script handler as properties of this object, i.e. "Param2.MinWidth" or "Param2.MaxHeight"

This router works only for TConstrainedResizeEvent or similar events which require similar parameters.

If you will assign OnConstrainedResizeHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnContextPopupHandler(Sender: TObject; MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: boolean);
Routes OnContextPopup event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnContextPopup". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously.

(i.e. "Panel1.OnContextPopup:= ekWSHControl1.OnContextPopupHandler": Panel1.OnContextPopup handling will be routed to "Panel1_OnContextPopup()" if such procedure exists in the script)

MousePos and Handled parameters of TContextPopupEvent are incapsulated in TContextPopupEventArgs class. OnContextPopupHandler procedure creates TContextPopupEventArgs instance, fills it with passed values and passes it as second parameter (the first is Sender) to script procedure, so parameters can be accesses within script handler as properties of this object, i.e. "Params.Handled", "Params.MousePos_X" and "Params.MousePos_Y".

This router works only for TContextPopupEvent or similar events which require similar parameters.

If you will assign OnContextPopupHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnCreateHandler(Sender: TObject);
Routes OnCreate event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnCreate". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously

(i.e. "Form1.OnCreate:= ekWSHControl1.OnCreateHandler": Form1.OnCreate handling will be routed to "Form1_OnCreate()" if such procedure exists in the script)

This router works only for TNotifyEvent or similar events

If you will assign OnCreateHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnDblClickHandler(Sender: TObject);
Routes OnDblClick event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnDblClick". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously

(i.e. "Panel1.OnDblClick:= ekWSHControl1.OnDblClickHandler": Panel1.OnDblClick handling will be routed to "Panel1_OnDblClick()" if such procedure exists in the script)

This router works only for TNotifyEvent or similar events

If you will assign OnDblClickHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnDeactivateHandler(Sender: TObject);
Routes OnDeactivate event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnDeactivate". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously

(i.e. "Form1.OnDeactivate:= ekWSHControl1.OnDeactivateHandler": Form1.OnDeactivate handling will be routed to "Form1_OnDeactivate()" if such procedure exists in the script)

This router works only for TNotifyEvent or similar events

If you will assign OnDeactivateHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnDestroyHandler(Sender: TObject);
Routes OnDestroy event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnDestroy". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously

(i.e. "Form1.OnDestroy:= ekWSHControl1.OnDestroyHandler": Form1.OnDestroy handling will be routed to "Form1_OnDestroy()" if such procedure exists in the script)

This router works only for TNotifyEvent or similar events

If you will assign OnDestroyHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnEnterHandler(Sender: TObject);
Routes OnEnter event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnEnter". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously

(i.e. "Edit1.OnEnter:= ekWSHControl1.OnEnterHandler": Edit1.OnEnter handling will be routed to "Edit1_OnEnter()" if such procedure exists in the script)

This router works only for TNotifyEvent or similar events

If you will assign OnEnterHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnExecuteHandler(Sender: TObject);
Routes OnExecute event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnExecute". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously

(i.e. "Action1.OnExecute:= ekWSHControl1.OnExecuteHandler": Action1.OnExecute handling will be routed to "Action1_OnExecute()" if such procedure exists in the script)

This router works only for TNotifyEvent or similar events

If you will assign OnExecuteHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnExitHandler(Sender: TObject);
Routes OnExit event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnExit". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously

(i.e. "Edit1.OnExit:= ekWSHControl1.OnExitHandler": Edit1.OnExit handling will be routed to "Edit1_OnExit()" if such procedure exists in the script)

This router works only for TNotifyEvent or similar events

If you will assign OnExitHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnHideHandler(Sender: TObject);
Routes OnHide event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnHide". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously

(i.e. "Form1.OnHide:= ekWSHControl1.OnHideHandler": Form1.OnHide handling will be routed to "Form1_OnHide()" if such procedure exists in the script)

This router works only for TNotifyEvent or similar events

If you will assign OnHideHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnKeyDownHandler(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
Routes OnKeyDown event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnKeyDown". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously.

(i.e. "Panel1.OnKeyDown:= ekWSHControl1.OnKeyDownHandler": Panel1.OnKeyDown handling will be routed to "Panel1_OnKeyDown()" if such procedure exists in the script)

Key and Shift parameters of TKeyEvent are incapsulated in TKeyEventArgs class. OnKeyDownHandler procedure creates TKeyEventArgs instance, fills it with passed values and passes it as second parameter (the first is Sender) to script procedure, so parameters can be accesses within script handler as properties of this object, i.e. "Params.Key" or "Params.Shift"

Sets and enumerated types (such as TShiftState, TCloseAction or similar) are represented as string with value name(s), separated by comma (for sets). I.e. if you will press a key with [SHIFT] and [ALT] buttons pushed, Panel1_OnKeyDown_Args.Shift will be represented in script as string "ssShift,ssAlt"

This router works only for TKeyEvent or similar events which require similar parameters

If you will assign OnKeyDownHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnKeyPressHandler(Sender: TObject; var Key: char);
Routes OnKeyPress event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnKeyPress". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously.

(i.e. "Panel1.OnKeyPress:= ekWSHControl1.OnKeyPressHandler": Panel1.OnKeyPress handling will be routed to "Panel1_OnKeyPress()" if such procedure exists in the script)

Key parameter of TKeyPressEvent is incapsulated in TKeyPressEventArgs class. OnKeyPressHandler procedure creates TKeyPressEventArgs instance, fills it with passed value and passes it as second parameter (the first is Sender) to script procedure, so parameter can be accesses within script handler as properties of this object, i.e. "Params.Key".

This router works only for TKeyPressEvent or similar events which require similar parameters

If you will assign OnKeyPressHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnKeyUpHandler(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
Routes OnKeyUp event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnKeyUp". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously.

(i.e. "Panel1.OnKeyUp:= ekWSHControl1.OnKeyUpHandler": Panel1.OnKeyUp handling will be routed to "Panel1_OnKeyUp()" if such procedure exists in the script)

Key and Shift parameters of TKeyEvent are incapsulated in TKeyEventArgs class. OnKeyUpHandler procedure creates TKeyEventArgs instance, fills it with passed values and passes it as second parameter (the first is Sender) to script procedure, so parameters can be accesses within script handler as properties of this object, i.e. "Params.Key" or "Params.Shift"

Sets and enumerated types (such as TShiftState, TCloseAction or similar) are represented as string with value name(s), separated by comma (for sets). I.e. if you will press a key with [SHIFT] and [ALT] buttons pushed, Panel1_OnKeyUp_Args.Shift will be represented in script as string "ssShift,ssAlt"

This router works only for TKeyEvent or similar events which require similar parameters

If you will assign OnKeyUpHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnMouseDownHandler(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X: integer; Y: integer);
Routes OnMouseDown event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnMouseDown". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously.

(i.e. "Panel1.OnMouseDown:= ekWSHControl1.OnMouseDownHandler": Panel1.OnMouseDown handling will be routed to "Panel1_OnMouseDown()" if such procedure exists in the script)

Button, Shift, X and Y parameters of TMouseEvent are incapsulated in TMouseEventArgs class. OnMouseDownHandler procedure creates TMouseEventArgs instance, fills it with passed values and passes it as second parameter (the first is Sender) to script procedure, so parameters can be accesses within script handler as properties of this object, i.e. "Params.X" or "Params.Shift"

Sets and enumerated types (such as TShiftState, TCloseAction or similar) are represented as string with value name(s), separated by comma (for sets). I.e. if you press mouse button with [SHIFT] and [ALT] buttons pushed, Panel1_OnMouseDown_Args.Shift will be represented in script as string "ssShift,ssAlt"

This router works only for TMouseEvent or similar events which require similar parameters

If you will assign OnMouseDownHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnMouseMoveHandler(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X: integer; Y: integer);
Routes OnMouseMove event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnMouseMove". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously.

(i.e. "Panel1.OnMouseMove:= ekWSHControl1.OnMouseMoveHandler": Panel1.OnMouseMove handling will be routed to "Panel1_OnMouseMove()" if such procedure exists in the script)

Shift, X and Y parameters of TMouseMoveEvent are incapsulated in TMouseMoveEventArgs class. OnMouseMoveHandler procedure creates TMouseMoveEventArgs instance, fills it with passed values and passes it as second parameter (the first is Sender) to script procedure, so parameters can be accesses within script handler as properties of this object, i.e. "Params.X" or "Params.Shift"

Sets and enumerated types (such as TShiftState, TCloseAction or similar) are represented as string with value name(s), separated by comma (for sets). I.e. if you will move mouse with [SHIFT] and [ALT] buttons pushed, Panel1_OnMouseMove_Args.Shift will be represented in script as string "ssShift,ssAlt"

This router works only for TMouseMoveEvent or similar events which require similar parameters

If you will assign OnMouseMoveHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnMouseUpHandler(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X: integer; Y: integer);
Routes OnMouseUp event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnMouseUp". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously.

(i.e. "Panel1.OnMouseUp:= ekWSHControl1.OnMouseUpHandler": Panel1.OnMouseUp handling will be routed to "Panel1_OnMouseUp()" if such procedure exists in the script)

Button, Shift, X and Y parameters of TMouseEvent are incapsulated in TMouseEventArgs class. OnMouseUpHandler procedure creates TMouseEventArgs instance, fills it with passed values and passes it as second parameter (the first is Sender) to script procedure, so parameters can be accesses within script handler as properties of this object, i.e. "Params.X" or "Params.Shift"

Sets and enumerated types (such as TShiftState, TCloseAction or similar) are represented as string with value name(s), separated by comma (for sets). I.e. if you press mouse button with [SHIFT] and [ALT] buttons pushed, Panel1_OnMouseUp_Args.Shift will be represented in script as string "ssShift,ssAlt"

This router works only for TMouseEvent or similar events which require similar parameters

If you will assign OnMouseUpHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnMouseWheelDownHandler(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean);
Routes OnMouseWheelDown event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnMouseWheelDown". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously.

(i.e. "Panel1.OnMouseWheelDown:= ekWSHControl1.OnMouseWheelDownHandler": Panel1.OnMouseWheelDown handling will be routed to "Panel1_OnMouseWheelDown()" if such procedure exists in the script)

Shift, MousePos and Handled parameters of TMouseWheelUpDownEvent are incapsulated in TMouseWheelUpDownEventArgs class. OnMouseWheelDownHandler procedure creates TMouseWheelUpDownEventArgs instance, fills it with passed values and passes it as second parameter (the first is Sender) to script procedure, so parameters can be accesses within script handler as properties of this object, i.e. "Param2.Handled", "Param2.MousePos_X" or "Param2.Shift".

Sets and enumerated types (such as TShiftState, TCloseAction or similar) are represented as string with value name(s), separated by comma (for sets). I.e. if you will press a key with [SHIFT] and [ALT] buttons pushed, Panel1_OnMouseWheelDown_Args.Shift will be represented in script as string "ssShift,ssAlt"

This router works only for TMouseWheelUpDownEvent or similar events which require similar parameters.

If you will assign OnMouseWheelDownHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnMouseWheelHandler(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean);
Routes OnMouseWheel event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnMouseWheel". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously.

(i.e. "Panel1.OnMouseWheel:= ekWSHControl1.OnMouseWheelHandler": Panel1.OnMouseWheel handling will be routed to "Panel1_OnMouseWheel()" if such procedure exists in the script)

Shift, WheelDelta, MousePos and Handled parameters of TMouseWheelEvent are incapsulated in TMouseWheelEventArgs class. OnMouseWheelHandler procedure creates TMouseWheelEventArgs instance, fills it with passed values and passes it as second parameter (the first is Sender) to script procedure, so parameters can be accesses within script handler as properties of this object, i.e. "Params.Handled", "Params.MousePos_X" or "Params.Shift".

Sets and enumerated types (such as TShiftState, TCloseAction or similar) are represented as string with value name(s), separated by comma (for sets). I.e. if you will press a key with [SHIFT] and [ALT] buttons pushed, Panel1_OnMouseWheel_Args.Shift will be represented in script as string "ssShift,ssAlt"

This router works only for TMouseWheelEvent or similar events which require similar parameters.

If you will assign OnMouseWheelHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnMouseWheelUpHandler(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean);
Routes OnMouseWheelUp event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnMouseWheelUp". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously.

(i.e. "Panel1.OnMouseWheelUp:= ekWSHControl1.OnMouseWheelUpHandler": Panel1.OnMouseWheelUp handling will be routed to "Panel1_OnMouseWheelUp()" if such procedure exists in the script)

Shift, MousePos and Handled parameters of TMouseWheelUpDownEvent are incapsulated in TMouseWheelUpDownEventArgs class. OnMouseWheelUpHandler procedure creates TMouseWheelUpDownEventArgs instance, fills it with passed values and passes it as second parameter (the first is Sender) to script procedure, so parameters can be accesses within script handler as properties of this object, i.e. "Params.Handled", "Params.MousePos_X" or "Params.Shift".

Sets and enumerated types (such as TShiftState, TCloseAction or similar) are represented as string with value name(s), separated by comma (for sets). I.e. if you will press a key with [SHIFT] and [ALT] buttons pushed, Panel1_OnMouseWheelUp_Args.Shift will be represented in script as string "ssShift,ssAlt"

This router works only for TMouseWheelUpDownEvent or similar events which require similar parameters.

If you will assign OnMouseWheelUpHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnPaintHandler(Sender: TObject);
Routes OnPaint event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnPaint". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously

(i.e. "Form1.OnPaint:= ekWSHControl1.OnPaintHandler": Form1.OnPaint handling will be routed to "Form1_OnPaint()" if such procedure exists in the script)

This router works only for TNotifyEvent or similar events which do not require parameters

If you will assign OnPaintHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnResizeHandler(Sender: TObject);
Routes OnResize event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnResize". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously

(i.e. "Panel1.OnResize:= ekWSHControl1.OnResizeHandler": Panel1.OnResize handling will be routed to "Panel1_OnResize()" if such procedure exists in the script)

This router works only for TNotifyEvent or similar events which do not require parameters

If you will assign OnResizeHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnShowHandler(Sender: TObject);
Routes OnShow event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnShow". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously

(i.e. "Form1.OnShow:= ekWSHControl1.OnShowHandler": Form1.OnShow handling will be routed to "Form1_OnShow()" if such procedure exists in the script)

This router works only for TNotifyEvent or similar events which do not require parameters

If you will assign OnShowHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

procedure OnTimerHandler(Sender: TObject);
Routes OnTimer event handling to script procedure named "<SenderName>_OnTimer". For controls added during script execution, event handler set automatically if it presents in script body.

For controls which exist in application irrespective of the script, handlers from script must be set obviously

(i.e. "Timer1.OnTimer:= ekWSHControl1.OnTimerHandler": Timer1.OnTimer handling will be routed to "Timer1_OnTimer()" if such procedure exists in the script)

This router works only for TNotifyEvent or similar events which do not require parameters

If you will assign OnTimerHandler to another kind of events then unhandled "Access violation" exception may be raised due to stack crash

Removes proxy from internal list.
procedure ProxyDestroyed(Address: Pointer);
Called internally from TWSHProxy.Destroy method.
This method is implemented and used internally, you don't need to obviously implement or use it in your source code. But you may need to call it obviously in case of writing your custom descendant from its methods.

procedure RegisterClass(const Name: String; AClass: TPersistent);
const Name: String
The name for object to be used in script.
AClass: TPersistent
Instance of object to be added to script
Makes object visible and accessible for script engine. Creates proxy object imlementing IDispatch interface for class of instance defined by "AClass" parameter and adds it to script's namespace. with symbolic name defined by "Name" parameter.

After registering, all published members of object become visible and operatable from script

Any object must be registered using RegisterClass method to be accessible in script Also it is required to register object's class in application using Classes.RegisterClass to let control to obtain RTTI (which is usually dropped by compiler due to code optimization)

Resets control properties to default values and clears scripts body, objects, procedures etc.
procedure Reset; override;
Reset method discards all scripting code and objects that have been added to the script control.
After Reset method is called, you need to add all objects, script code etc. again to run script.

Runs named procedure or function contained in script text, with or without parameters.
function RunProc(const Name: string; ThrowExceptionIfNotFound: Boolean = True): OleVariant; overload;
function RunProc(const Name: string; argArray: array of OleVariant; ThrowExceptionIfNotFound: Boolean): OleVariant; overload;
const Name: string
the name of script procedure or function to run
ThrowExceptionIfNotFound: Boolean = True
if False, then no exception is thrown if procedure with given name is not found in the script (in other word, nothing happens when trying to call procedure which doesn't exists.
argArray: array of OleVariant
array of parameters to be passed to script procedure/function
Return Value
NULL if called script routine is procedure, function result if called script routine is function
Procedures defined in script text are accessible from application after adding script text by AddCode method.
To pass object parameter to script procedure, use TekWSHControl.GetOleObject method

Runs named procedure or function contained in script text, with or without parameters.
function RunProc(const Name: string; ThrowExceptionIfNotFound: Boolean = True): OleVariant; overload;
function RunProc(const Name: string; argArray: array of OleVariant; ThrowExceptionIfNotFound: Boolean): OleVariant; overload;
const Name: string
the name of script procedure or function to run
ThrowExceptionIfNotFound: Boolean = True
if False, then no exception is thrown if procedure with given name is not found in the script (in other word, nothing happens when trying to call procedure which doesn't exists.
argArray: array of OleVariant
array of parameters to be passed to script procedure/function
Return Value
NULL if called script routine is procedure, function result if called script routine is function
Procedures defined in script text are accessible from application after adding script text by AddCode method.
To pass object parameter to script procedure, use TekWSHControl.GetOleObject method

Applies script procedure to be event handler for Delphi object (Control parameter).
procedure SetHandler(Control: TPersistent; Name: string);
Called internally from TekWSHProxy.DoCreateControl method.
This method is implemented and used internally, you don't need to obviously implement or use it in your source code. But you may need to call it obviously in case of writing your custom descendant from its methods.

Occurs after Delphi object is added during script execution
property OnAddControlFromScript: TAddControlEvent;
Lets to assign script procedures as event handlers for added object.

Ekas Software Windows Script Host Control for Delphi Help
Copyright (c)2002,2003 Ekas Software